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Company Culture

Hiring for Diversity in the Workplace

In 2020, it is estimated that 37 percent of the workforce consists of minorities, which is quite a significant growth from the 18 percent that it was ...

Company Culture

Three Ways to Incorporate Humor into the Workplace

It is often said that laughter is the best medicine. Not only does laughter positively increase the moods and attitudes of individuals, it can have a ...

Internal Communications Employee Engagement Company Culture

Simple Ways to Improve Communications In the Construction Industry

It is no secret that proper communication is a challenge in any organization, but this is especially prevalent in the construction industry. This is s...

Employee Engagement Company Culture

Do Your Hourly Employees Have a Smartphone?

It can be easy to justify not engaging in certain investments in your workplace, such as an employee app, when you believe that a significant portion ...

Internal Communications Human Resources Company Culture

Build Your Brand From The Inside Out

Why HR and marketing should join forces for powerful internal communication

Internal Communications Company Culture

Top Holiday Safety Tips to Communicate to Your Employees

The safety of your employees should be an extremely important element of the workplace because when that safety is compromised, it can have severe con...

Internal Communications Employee Engagement Company Culture

How Does Micromanaging Lower Employee Engagement?

Micromanaging is a faulty management technique where a manager tries to control every aspect of his or her employees work. It’s no surprise that the t...

Internal Communications Human Resources Company Culture

5 Internal Communication Strategies To Deploy During Mergers and Acquisitions

When a company is in the middle of a merger or acquisition, it can feel like chaos has taken over the workplace. With so much going on and so many fac...

Human Resources Employee Engagement Company Culture Messaging Tools

Want to Get Real Feedback from your Employees? Ditch the Annual Survey!

The world of HR or Internal Communications is changing every day, and the companies who refuse to keep up will get left behind. As culture changes, em...

Human Resources Company Culture

Top 5 Reasons Employees Quit

If you've ever been in the situation where your best employee wants to leave the company, you know how difficult it can be. You'll likely be sitting t...