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on March 2, 2021 Employee Engagement Company Culture

Does Your Company Address Real Corporate Social Responsibility?

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Corporate social responsibility is a vital part of all businesses. Over the past few decades, companies are becoming more conscious of the effects they can have on their communities. 

They can adopt CSR in any legal, operational, ecological, and social aspects of running their firm. However, many employees want genuine corporate social responsibility instead of ineffective publicity stunts. 

Read More: Measure Corporate Social Responsibility in Your CEO Scorecard

Real CSR must be implemented across the fabric of the company. Organizations that truly possess corporate social responsibility will address these social issues.   


The driving factor for your company can’t only be its profits. Companies have to have empathetic human relationships too. A socially responsible company cares about people. This includes both employees and outside stakeholders. 


CSR starts with your company culture. Is the company atmosphere overly hostile? While some competition can be healthy, the working environment should promote collaboration. Offer training programs and encourage team decision making. 

Employees can also be placed in cross team groups to work with others in different roles. It doesn’t even have to be work related. Volunteer programs or company events like a donation drive can also contribute to a giving culture. 


Socially responsible companies follow through on their commitments. This requires building a positive impact, and reputation from employees to the local community. 

Commitment also includes everything the company does, from small actions like a recycle bin on every floor to lowering the carbon footprint across its supply chain. A company that injects CSR initiatives into its internal values will demonstrate the greatest commitment. 


A company should give back to the community. This can be both time and money with volunteering time or donating cash. However, what a company doesn’t give to the community is just as important.

Proper corporate social responsibility should also include limiting negative effects such as pollution or societal problems. By lowering its contribution to these issues, businesses can help their communities flourish. 


Effective CSR

If your company checks off those points, they are successful at meeting corporate social responsibility standards. If not, you might want to consider which areas are lacking and why that might be. 

Many employers prioritize wellness and the environment when building a socially conscious culture. Your company should embrace sustainability and promote healthy standards for the wellbeing of employees and the community. 

A company making efforts in these areas demonstrates that it wants to play a part in helping to improve society. As powerful entities, companies can make a substantial difference in the community and their employees’ lives by including wellness and environmental principles.

One way to achieve a company’s social initiatives is with a collaborative HR solution that brings employees closer together. Employers can send out information at events aimed at promoting corporate social responsibility. This will keep employees engaged and informed.

See How Volunteer Hours Can Be A Part Of Your Total Compensation Package

Sydnie Fultz

Creative Content Manager

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