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There are many different ways to find out if your internal communications are actually performing well among your employees. However, one of the best ways to do so is by setting key performance indicators (KPIs) around the content, channels, and engagement of your internal communications. 

KPIs should be specific, measurable, and directly impact the success of your internal communications.

It’s important to determine what your internal communication KPIs are so that you can see which areas you need to improve on. 

Get Started: Metrics for Your C-Suite and Board of Directors

The value of KPIs is clear, which is why it is so alarming that 46 percent of companies don’t use KPIs at all when it comes to their internal communications. Make sure that you know exactly how your internal communication is performing and where it needs improvement by using these top KPIs.

1. Click Rates

A lot of people will focus their energy on the open rates of their internal communications, obsessing over how to achieve great open rates. While open rates can be a very useful KPI to have in some scenarios, click rates are often more useful for internal communications. 

Click rates is a basic measurement of engagement.

Click rates deliver much better insights into how your internal content is performing. This is because someone can very easily open an email or newsletter just to quickly scan it or get rid of the “unread” notification. These actions, while still increasing your open rates, doesn’t reflect true engagement with the content.

On the other hand, if someone is clicking on content within the communication, then they are obviously engaging with it to -  at least to some degree. For this reason, click rates are the more valuable KPI to measure. 

2. Meeting Organizational Goals

The goal of most internal communications is to help employees better understand the viewpoints and goals of the company. Thus if failing to properly communicate, employees - and the company as a whole - will likely fail to meet goals.

Company wide goals allows employees to focus on the big picture

Because your communications should have a direct impact on the accomplishment of organizational goals, this is another important KPI for you to keep your eye on. This is especially considering that 96 percent of employees contribute workplace failures to ineffective internal communication. 

3. Employee Feedback

Instead of struggling to find out what your employees think of your internal communications, why not ask them directly? You can easily do this by asking them for feedback regarding your internal communications. 

Feedback is an important way to gauge success.

Send out an email asking for feedback or include a link at the bottom of every newsletter that they can click in and submit some feedback. This will help you find out as soon as there is a problem with your internal communication and even provide some details on exactly what you need to fix. 

By using these KPIs, it will allow you to figure out exactly how well your internal communication is performing. To get help improving your internal communication in other ways, make sure to contact our team today.


Sydnie Fultz

Creative Content Manager