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Internal Communications Human Resources Employee Engagement backstitch Studio HR Documents Tips & Tricks

Effectively Communicate Company Policies During the Holidays

Throughout the holiday season, companies face the challenge of ensuring that their employees are well informed about company policies, especially thos...

Internal Communications Human Resources Employee Engagement Company Culture backstitch Studio

Survey Ideas to Engage Your Employees

Employee surveys allow your company to gather informative feedback. They also provide employees the chance to be heard and engage with your company. U...

Internal Communications backstitch Studio Messaging Tools

How SMS Can Be a Useful Tool in Your Crisis Communication Plan

As communication professionals, you must always be prepared for a crisis. The second an emergency happens, you must drop any other priorities and shif...

Internal Communications Employee Benefits Employee Engagement backstitch Studio HR Documents Employee App Messaging Tools

How to Build a Content Calendar for Benefits Specialists

Adored and touted by journalists and marketers alike, a content calendar is an essential tool for any communicator.