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backstitch Company Blog (blog.backstitch.io)

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Internal Communications Employee Engagement Company Culture

The Power of Employee Recognition: Ideas for a Budget Friendly Program

In the fast-paced world of business, it's easy to overlook one of your organization's most valuable assets: your employees. Employee recognition is a ...

Internal Communications Human Resources

Seizing Momentum: Implementing New Safety Protocols in the New Year

As the calendar turns to a new year, businesses find themselves at the threshold of fresh opportunities and endeavors. Beyond the customary resolution...

Human Resources Employee App The Stitch

Mastering the Art of Transparent Communication in HR with Your Employee App

The workplace has changed drastically in the last few years. With the advent of remote work, employees that were once a cubicle away may now be workin...

Internal Communications Human Resources Employee Engagement backstitch Studio HR Documents Tips & Tricks

Effectively Communicate Company Policies During the Holidays

Throughout the holiday season, companies face the challenge of ensuring that their employees are well informed about company policies, especially thos...

Human Resources HR Law

Employment Law Changes for November 2023

The backstitch HR law blog is a monthly series where we provide the latest updates on upcoming and recently in-effect legislation. Here are short snip...

Human Resources Employee Benefits Future of work Employee Engagement Total Rewards Statements Corporate Social Responsibility Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Future of Total Rewards: Trends to Watch

Total Rewards encompasses all the elements that an organization uses to attract, motivate and retain its employees. It includes compensation, benefits...

Employee App The Stitch

Personalize Employee Communication with an Employee App: Tailoring Messages for Maximum Impact

The dynamic world of HR; where the pulse of success is synchronized with one crucial rhythm—communication. In this age of rapid change and innovation,...

Human Resources HR Law

Employment Law Changes for October 2023

The backstitch HR law blog is a monthly series where we provide the latest updates on upcoming and recently in-effect legislation. Here are short snip...

Human Resources Employee Benefits Total Rewards Statements

Help Employees Appreciate Their Benefits with Total Rewards

Employee benefits are a vital component of any compensation package, providing valuable support and security to workers. However, many employees do no...

Human Resources The Stitch

Autumn Wellness: Communication Tips for Employees Health and Well-being

With autumn quickly approaching, it can be helpful to have a variety of fall wellness ideas to share with your staff through the employee app. Conside...