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The backstitch HR Law Blog keeps you up to date on important legal changes in Human Resources.

The backstitch HR law blog is a monthly series where we provide the latest updates on upcoming and recently in-effect legislation. Here are short snippets of State, Federal, and Global changes in HR and employment law, so your organization can be prepared for changes this month. 


The State of Colorado enacted several laws to go into effect on August 7. SB 23-017 adds 2 new categories of Accrued Paid Sick Leave to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act. Employers must provide up to 48 hours of accrued paid sick leave for the bereavement or financial/legal needs after a death of a family member, or for inclement weather, power/heat/water loss or other unexpected events that requires the evacuation of a residence or to care for a family member whose school or place of care was closed.

Colorado HB23-1076 adds more options to Workers' Compensation. Specifically, it increases the duration for mental impairment to 36 weeks. It also includes a section on providing reasonably necessary replacement prosthetic devices. 

On August 10, the Colorado Division of Workers' Compensation updated their injury notice poster.

The Colorado Protecting Opportunities and Workers' Rights (POWR) Act provides a more comprehensive definition of harassment as a form of discrimination. It allows employees to bring discrimination claims to any court with jurisdiction over the county or district where such discrimination occurred. Employees may file a charge with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission within 300 days. However, employers have an affirmative defense if they demonstrate that they took prompt, reasonable remedial action to end the harassment, deter future harassers and protect employees. Employers of 20 or more must provide and maintain records of training to all employees regarding harassment and discrimination. However, the Colorado Civil Rights Division is able to provide such free training programs to employers. Finally, it also adds a set of new requirements that limit nondisclosure agreements. 


Act-210 SB-200 allows for a single day's unpaid leave for medically necessary genetic testing or preventive cancer screening. Notice must be provided 15 days prior. This goes into effect on August 1. 

Looking for more updates in the field of Human Resources and Employee Engagement? Subscribe to the backstitch Blog to stay up to date.

Liang Deng

Chief of Staff

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