Employee Communications | The backstitch Blog

How to Build an Employee Marketing Campaign

Written by Sydnie Fultz | June 24, 2019 at 5:40 PM

When a company rolls out any new internal communications systems, such as backstitch, it is extremely important that they also have a steady stream of content and a plan to distribute it. This content helps keep momentum going strong in regards to employee engagement. There are a lot of content marketing principles that companies can apply towards their own internal communications.

After all, 60% of companies have zero metrics on their internal communications, a number unthinkable for marketing departments. With backstitch Reader and Studio; however, you now have a plethora of powerful metrics, so it’s time to step up your internal communications game.

1. Create your Content

The first step in building your internal campaigns is figuring out what to say. Are you announcing a company retreat? Are you providing employee benefits information? Do you want to introduce a new hire? All of these messages require different levels of content and a different Call to Action (CTA). In some cases, the CTA is to merely read the message. Other times, you may want employees to register for an event, access a portal, or even reach out to a specific department for more communications. You must set a goal for your message, and build the CTA to match with that goal.

2. Plan your Drips

When sending out content, it can’t be a one-and-done event. There needs to be a steady stream of content that periodically engages your employees and keeps your message at the top of their minds. Content should be sent at least once a week, and if it’s for something on a specific date, the frequency should increase as the date gets closer. For example, if you want to announce a sales kickoff, organize message distribution as follows; one message the Monday a week before, another later that week, one the day before, and a final one the day of the event.

3. Consider Distribution Channels

Now that you planned your drips, it’s time to decide how it will get into the hands of your employees. Do they primarily read email? Are they always on an instant messaging app (e.g Slack)? Or, are they production employees who have their devices in their locker and check it at the end of their shift? Fortunately, Studio has a myriad of options that can segment your population and optimize the distribution channels to maximize the number of eyeballs you reach. You can create a single message, and automatically format it for all channels.

4. Send it Out

Sending out materials doesn’t mean your job is done. Now, be sure to measure your engagement numbers and review who is reading and how often. With this information, you can improve your process and steadily enhance each message.