Get Creative with Studio Templates

Studio Templates provide an easy way to drag and drop reusable images and editable elements to speed up the development of your communications.

💡 Ideas

Leadership Announcements
Make your leadership announcements more efficient by making them into reusable templates! Establish a consistent look for important announcements from your leadership team and allow employees to easily find updates within your Topic. For more personalization, add a photo, name, and title to the message for employees to recognize. Craft text templates that can be filled out for quick messages to employees. 

Headers Footers Dividers_Leadershipannouncements_Header 1 copy_Header 1 copySAM CEO_Header 1 copy 3Dianne director_Header 1 copy 3

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Create newsletter templates

Add some visual interest to your newsletters by creating fun headers, footers, and dividers. Create a logo for your newsletter and use it as an identifier for employees. If you have different themed newsletters, have cohesive visuals to supplement the subject. To make the process even quicker, create a template that has the same layout including easy to replace text for each newsletter theme. 

Helpful Hint:
Learn more about creating newsletters and get newsletter theme ideas here. 

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Feature new hires or outstanding employees

Create a template for announcing your new hires or highlighting outstanding employees. Odds are, your employees will feel very appreciated by being featured in a company announcement. Setup your template to be able to easily fill out their name, title and description. This makes it simple each time you go to create a new announcement. 

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Start a photo or illustration library

Add a category of templates that hold your company photos for easy access. If your brand has a fun collection of illustrated graphics or accents, you could also have that as a category as well. 

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Pro Tip: Get creative with Canva! 

Learn More about how to utilize Canva. 

Create general email templates

Make emails and newsletters easier by creating branded sub-headers for specific sections or content in your newsletter. Plan out what sections you want to feature, and create some templates for them so they show up consistently. 
Youre Invited_Divider 3 copy 5

welcome to the team_Divider 3 copy 4

whats new_Divider 3 copy 2

IT Update_Divider 3 copy 3

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✅ How to Create a Template

Learn how to insert a Template here.

Need help creating templates? Contact your CS Manager or email