Encourage Employees to Post with Vanity Emails

Give your employees an opportunity to collaborate on a topic and engage in the community

The backstitch platform provides many opportunities to uniquely engage with your employees. Try something new with the “Vanity Email” feature. This feature invites employees to share their own thoughts and photos right on the app.

🌟 Strategies

Ask employees what fun activities they did with their families this summer.

Summertime is great for getting out of the house for some quality time, fresh air, and physical activity. As summertime is coming to an end, have employees share their adventures along with a photo! This gets employees involved in the app while also sharing stories about what fun times they recently had.

Screen Shot 2021-08-17 at 1.36.47 PMOpen up comments so employees can interact with each other.

Adding comments to the topic is a simple way to open up two-way communication and promote a positive environment for employees. Comment on a few employees’ posts to show that the company cares. 

Promote the Topic more than once.

Don’t just send out one email or one push notification - send out multiple pieces of communication so people don’t miss the memo. This also gives them another opportunity and a reminder to share their stories. 

Publish to multiple channels.

Never underestimate the power of publishing to multiple channels. Include email, push notifications, internal chats, etc.! 

Feature some employee’s stories in your upcoming communication.

Share some of the stories in your upcoming communication. It’s an easy way to not only promote the Topic but also showcase your employees. 

Send out a survey of what they would like to see next.

It’s always a great idea to send follow-ups and even better to ask for opinions! See what your employees want to talk about next by adding a poll in your communications.

💡 Vanity Email Ideas

Back to School

Ask employees to share their kids' back to school photos. If you have a large family population,  get them engaged by encouraging them to share their photos!

Labor Day Recipes 

Encourage people to share their favorite labor day snacks and recipes because who doesn't love some good food?

Fall Activities

Have employees post about their favorite fall activities. Get them to share photos with the families out at pumpkin patches, football games, etc. 

    ✅ How to Create a Vanity Email

    How Can I Find the 'Vanity Email' Associated with a Source or Topic?

    How do I 'Publish' an Email to a Source or Topic in the App?

      Need help setting up the Vanity email? Contact your CS Manager or email support@backstitch.io