Post/Commenter Settings

Want to read your audience's reactions? Enable comments to allow further interactivity.


1. When in a Topic, click the [Edit] icon

2. Scroll down to the [Plugins] section and click the [Explore] button

3. Within the [Available Plugins] popup, click the [Comments] box

4. From the array of options, select which options you would like turned on for the comments section.

  • Allow commenting - enables Comments for the Posts Published to this specific Topic.

  • Allow reactions - enables inserting of Reactions in the Comments section of the Post (i.e. 👍👎😆😥)

  • Require comment approval - users can add comments which show "pending" until an Admin reviews.  Admins can Approve, Reject or Delete the comments.

  • Sync comments and reactions across Topics - allows the same comments and reactions to show for the Post in each Topic where the Post is published. 

  • Make reactors anonymous - users names will not be shown on the reactions.

5. Click [Done]

Note: This process must be repeated for each Topic. Plugin preferences set in one Topic do not transfer to others.

Enable Comments

Learn more about allowing Reactions on Posts here!