Reaction & Commenter Settings

If you have Comments enabled for a Topic, you may easily control the display of names as people React to your post.

  1. In the [Hamburger Menu], select a Topic.
  2. Drag your cursor to the bottom righthand corner of the Topic banner image and click [Edit].Editing a Topic
  3. Scroll down to 'Plugins' in the bottom left of the screen and select [Explore].

    Explore Plugins
  4. Select [Comments] from the list of Available Plugins.

    Select your enhancement

  5. Within Comments, 'Allow Commenting' and 'Allow Reacts' are selected by default. Click the [Make reactors anonymous] to hide User Names. Leave unchecked if your organization would like User Names displayed in the comments of a post after reacting. Edit settings
  6. Click [Close], then [Done] at the bottom of the screen when finished.