December Monthly Post

Share gift ideas to employees that can boost their friend or family member's health!

The holiday season has arrived and is a great time to share your love with friends and family. Encourage employees to use this time to find gifts that support the health of their loved ones with one of our December Monthly Posts "Promote Wellness with these Gift Ideas".

December Monthly Post


💡 Ideas to use "Promote Wellness with these Gift Ideas"

  • Send out a push notification, email, and Publish this Post on the home page and in the wellness section of your app. 

  • Host a contest! Encourage employees to comment on the Post with the first name of a friend and the gift they would get them from the list of ideas within the Post. 

  • Use a random selection generator to choose one of the commenters. They could be awarded a gift card that can help them purchase the gift mentioned in their comment.

Learn how to enable comments here.

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