Following & Unfollowing Topics

Looking to make changes in your Hamburger Menu? Follow and unfollow Topics to change it up!

  • Click the [Discover Topics] Button on the right sidebar under the [Hamburger] menu.

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  • There, you can follow a Topic by clicking the [plus] Button on the upper right corner of each Topic.
  • To unfollow a Topic, click the [Check] mark at the top right corner of the Topic. Then, the Topics will automatically change within your Hamburger Menu.
  • Another way to follow and unfollow Topics is to view the specific Topic. Then, on the bottom right corner of the banner, click the [Follow] or [Unfollow] Button.

*If the option is not available to unfollow —  or if the checkmark is greyed out — then your organization admin has not given the permission to unfollow.