Creating a Directory Card

Create a Directory Card within a Topic for quick access to important links, Topics, or contacts.

Adding Links

1. When in a Topic, click the [Edit] icon

2. Scroll down to the [Plugins] section and click the [Explore] button

3. Within the [Available Plugs] popup, click the [Directory] box

4. Under the [Links] tab, add important links, phone numbers, or emails by pasting them in the field on the right

5. Type their names in the field on the left, then click the Plus [+] icon to add the link to the card


Changing the Theme

1. Within the Directory popup, click the [Theme] tab

2. Enter the name of your directory and choose whether you want to display it as a [Banner] or a [Card]

3. Under "Link Options", customize the color of the links.

4. Under "Background Options" choose the background that appears on the card. Upload a custom image by selecting [Upload].

5. Click [Close] on the popup, then [Done] to view the Directory Card in your Topic

 How to Create a Directory Cardd