Google Drive Integration

Have assets on your Google Drive that you would like to quickly access through backstitch Studio? You're in luck!

backstitch Studio has a great option of integrating right with your Google Drive! Basically, this means that you can quickly access all your files right within the Studio app. Drag and drop your photos and other assets into any Post more efficiently!

To begin using your Google Drive assets, you need to authenticate your account. To authorize your Google Drive follow these steps:

  1. From the Post Manager screen, select the [Edit] on any Post.
  2. When you enter the Post, select the [Assets] tab on the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll down to find Google Drive, and click on it.
  4. When the pop-up appears, click on the [Authorize] Button.
  5. Lastly, sign into the Gmail account you wish to connect Studio to and get to working!