Optimal File Size and Type for Videos/Photos

Use the correct file sizes and file types to ensure your media is high-quality and readable.


  • File types: mp4, webm and ogg
  • Optimal resolution: 720 dpi
  • Max file size: 100 mb
  • Duration: any
  • Orientation: Landscape and portrait

There is no length requirement, as long as the video stays below 100 MB in size. Optimizing videos so they are as small as possible is best for web and mobile. Keeping the file size small helps with loading speeds, and data usage.


  • File types: jpeg, jpg, png, gif and webp
  • Optimal resolution: 72 dpi
  • Max file size: 400 kb
  • Orientation: Landscape and portrait

Same as with videos, optimizing photos so they are as small as possible is best for web and mobile. Keeping the file size small helps with loading speeds, and data usage.


  • File types: .gif
  • Max file size: 25 MB

To improve your communications, utilize the best image ratios


Pro Tip: Rename your media-related file

Prior to uploading your file, be aware the use of some special characters in the filename may result in Posts not publishing to the application.

  1. Safe Characters:
    1. Alphanumeric characters: 0-9   a-z   A-Z
    2. Safe characters:   !  -  _  .  *  '   (   )
  2. Special Characters that should be avoided: 
    1. &   @   :   ,   $   =   +   ?
    2. Long sequences of spaces
    3. \  ^  `   >   <   {   }   [   ]   #  %   ~  |