In backstitch Studio, you can change your Display Name, Avatar, Email Address and more.
A great way to have your content show up as coming from "Company Name Communications" or "Company Name HR" instead of your actual name, is changing your Profile Settings. Many users make this change to enhance their communications strategy.
Note: Changing these settings will change what shows up on the Web and the Mobile App. Once you send the Post, the new avatar and name will be displayed on the backstitch Reader. Please know that changing the Account Profile does not change all of the previous Posts you sent to Reader.
To change your account settings:
- Go to the dropdown menu next to your name, then select [Profile].
- You will see fields that allow you to change your Avatar, Display Name, Email, Password and other settings like Autosaving Posts or Suppressing Duplicate Posts.
- Click [Save Changes] after completing any edits.